Monday, March 8, 2010

Marching to Beautiful Music

Back in the eighties I bought a couple of devotional books that I keep going back to time and time again when I need a short and meaningful devotion time that is always backed by scripture. Oddly enough they were both by Millie Stamm. I really don’t know much about Mrs. Stamm or even if she is still alive but this I know – she was very gifted at making scripture relevant in her devotional books.

Yesterday morning I picked up her book “Meditation Moments” and turned to the devotion for March 7th. As has occurred many times when I read her devotional messages, I was in awe of how she could take a small scripture passage and apply it to the life of a Christian. The verse was 2 Corinthians 8:5: “But first gave their own selves to the Lord.” I would like to share (in her words) the following from her writing:

“It has been said, “The gift without the giver is bare.” The Macedonian Christians………. had learned that God was more interested in them than in their gifts.

Today God is looking for those who are willing to give themselves to Him.

The story is told of how Fritz Kreisler, the famous violinist, obtained his treasured violin, the “Heart Guarnerius.” One day he heard someone playing it in a shop. He was so charmed by its tone that he asked to buy it, but he was told that the instrument had been sold to an Englishman, a collector of old violins.....

Week after week Kreisler pleaded with him to sell him the violin, but to no avail.

“One day the collector allowed Kreisler to play the instrument.” He played “as one condemned to death would have played to obtain ransom. …the Englishman, completely moved, said, “I have no right to keep it; it belongs to you. Go out into the world and let it be heard!” And Kreisler used the violin to produce the wonderful music, which has blessed the world.

More than your ability, talents, money or possessions, the Lord wants you. A yielded life is a God-centered life; a God-centered life will be an instrument in the hands of the Master Musician. From your life He will bring forth sweet heavenly music to bless a needy world.” *(see credit below.)

The question is this: Are we willing to give ourselves to Him? Will we put ourselves in the hands of the Master Musician so that we make beautiful music? I pray that I will do just that!

7But we have this treasure (Christ) in jars of clay (us) to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7

Have a great second week in March!

*Meditation Moments by Millie Stamm; Copyright 1967 by Zondervan Publ. House.

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