Friday, April 30, 2010

Needed: A Food Revolution

If any of you watched the series on television called “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution” I wonder if you were as appalled as I was at what our young children and teens are eating on a regular basis? Unfortunately, I only got to see a couple of the segments but that was enough to make me realize (again) that if our eating habits don’t change soon, we will have a nation of sick young adults in the next quarter century!

I have been worried about this problem for quite some time now but have sort of shrugged it off thinking there is nothing I can do about it. After watching this show I feel it is imperative that we all start doing something about it!

Somehow, some way we have got to understand the value of good nutrition.  Actually, I think we do understand it. We just live such fast paced lives that it is much easier to eat unhealthy than healthy. I totally understand. Sometimes, when I leave work after a hard day I find myself thinking about just driving through some fast food restaurant and getting something quick. And, if I find myself in those scenarios I understand how it would be easy for tired, busy parents to take that route.

As much as I like an occasional meal at one of these “joints”, I sometimes wish that they had never been started. When I grew up and for a big part of the years I raised my kids there weren’t too many options so we ate at home much more often. But, it wouldn’t be realistic to think about living without them today. We would all miss them!

One of the things that appalled me the most on Jamie’s show was the emphasis on school meals. I have long been concerned that the “government regulated” meals are loaded with fat and empty calories and this show just backed up my concerns. Chicken nuggets and french fries are accepted because they are meat and vegetable!  When I was in school, lunches were cooked, not popped in the oven or deep fryer. And, we were expected to eat them! I think it is time to put pressure on our schools for healthier food for our precious children!

I was so impressed that First Baptist Church of Kenova, W.V. took the lead in the “Food Revolution.” I have been teaching exercise at our church for 25 years or so and have always used the scriptures (the body as temple of the Holy Spirit and honoring God with our bodies) as motivation to take good care of ourselves. Our church was one of the firsts to offer exercise classes which eventually sparked the idea of having a family life center to encourage activity. We now have a beautiful Recreation and Outreach Center where people not only participate in organized exercise classes but children and adults alike can participate in lots of activities. I’m proud that our church is on the right track in encouraging fitness and now I think it is time to include nutrition classes and I hope that we can get started before it is too late!

In the meantime, I think planning ahead is the key in our busy society. When we know ahead of time what our meal is going to be, the temptation to “drive through” will not overtake us. Good healthy meals don’t have to be time consuming, but they do have to be planned in advance. I’m praying for a “Food Revolution” in all of our homes and in our schools!

19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20

Have a great day and eat something healthy and then take a walk with your family!!!!

p.s.  if you have a great quick and healthy meal that you prepare on busy days email it to me and I will put it here on my blog.  email it to:

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