Monday, November 15, 2010

Feeling Thankful for No Broken Bones!

One minute I was merrily prancing down the steps from the CAC on my way to the ROC and the next minute I am sailing through the air for what seemed like a long time before I hit right elbow and hip first on the blacktop driveway. It took me a few seconds to get my wits about me and sit myself up. My left hand, right elbow and hip were hurting pretty badly. I sat there for a few minutes before I decided to see if I could get up. I wasn’t sure if I had broken anything or not, at that point. Fortunately, standing up was not a problem and other than a severe injury to my pride (I had a small audience) I don’t think I broke anything. Praise the Lord! As the day has gone on though I am becoming more and more aware of various different joints and muscles in my body. I went to my chiropractor hoping to ward off what promises to be a painful tomorrow.

I went ahead and did my exercise class and it didn’t seem to bother me. But then I went back to my office and sat down at my desk and it has been downhill ever since. What I really want to do is soak in a hot whirlpool tub but my chiropractor said that wouldn’t help the inflammation that was setting up. He suggested ice for my sore spots. Trouble is, I would have to soak in a tub of ice because for now everything hurts!

This just emphasizes what we all know…it only takes a split second to have an accident that can radically change our life! Hopefully, and I am optimistic, this will not have any long lasting after effects. Really if I had to warn myself about not letting it happen again I don’t know what I would say, other than be careful when you wear your ecco slip-on shoes. They must have ultra sole grips because I think my sole caught and acted as a brake which sent my body in mid-air. One thing I did remind myself about though is that I probably need to be going over my fall-recovery sessions with my Energizers more often!

Well, enough whining. Just thought I would share my “exciting” day with you. Hope your day has not been so “moving!”  I am truly thankful that a sore body seems to be all I am dealing with because when I hit the pavement I thought it was going to be much worse!

Grace …..I mean Frances

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