Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Colors of My Life

It’s a crisp mid-October Saturday morning. I look out my kitchen window and see Autumn in all it’s glory. Trees turning and beautiful mums lighting up my landscape! I absolutely love Fall! I love the “middle” temps after hot summers and before cold winters. There is something about it that warms my heart and soul. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it doesn’t last long enough!

I have always loved the autumn colors. Years ago I was present at a “makeup” party where someone evaluated “my colors.” Turns out I was classified as an autumn. I began trying to outfit myself in those “autumn” colors and before I knew it my wardrobe looked like an Autumn orchard!

While I still love the autumn colors, I find that with the aging of my skin and hair, those colors don’t always bring out the best in me. I find myself wearing colors that I would never have considered right for me in my younger years.

I guess that is sort of the way life is these days. As I “mature” I find myself worrying less about the right colors and just enjoying the colors at hand! You might say that I am finally stopping to smell the mums along the way!

This year has been a strange year for me. 2010 was a year when I felt compelled to try new things. 2011 has been a year where I have not felt motivated to do much more than just exist. I have wasted much of this year worrying about whether I should make major changes in my life. Should I retire from my job? Should I branch out and try a new route for teaching my exercise classes? For some strange reason, turning sixty-two has thrown me into more of a tailspin than any of my previous years.

I feel I have been in a spiritual “winter” as far as the seasons of my life. January to October has seemed like such a long time in some ways. It is as if I have been marking time waiting for some revelation from God to make a move in a different direction!

This week I have been focused on putting together our annual Christian Yoga Retreat. It has forced me to focus on God as I have been listening for Him to tell me what kind of spiritual emphases I need to put on our time together at the retreat. During this focused time I have realized that I have totally been “in a season” of life. But instead of enjoying the colors of the season, I have let Satan drag me down into worry and apathy and hence, rob me of my joy!

Seasons are normal. They are God-ordained. We just need to learn to enjoy them! I am now resolved to do just that!

Genesis 1:14
New Living Translation (NLT)

14 Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days, and years.

Yep, God invented the seasons!

Happy Fall Y’all!                                                          

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